Wednesday, January 28, 2009

snowdown follies

The Herald did not give me the assignment of covering the 2009 Snowdown Follies. I really think this would have been the year that I wrote such a scathing review that next year I would have been the butt of many of the Follies jokes. That's what I'm aspiring for actually.
The dedication of the performers is quite respectable. But borrowed audio and stolen Saturday Night Live skits are awful. I think there were like, 2 good acts. But for the most part, I just don't get it. The lady laughing like a loon across from Holteen and myself was having a good time. I wish I had drank her electric-kool-aid. Tim Maher as Moses was good too.

As the show went on I could only think of the two word review of Spinal Tap's "Shark Sandwich."



Kate Niles said...

I for one can't stand Snowdown. An alcoholic's wet dream; a real estate developer's idea of a ski party town wet dream too. THIS is what means something to Durango? Sorry...we could do much better with a true town festival that took into account so much more.

Anonymous said...

years ago, my 12-year-old daughter got invited to march in snowdown. i took her there. left her with this group and a friend in the parade, and waved her off. at the end, i couldn't find her anywhere, and had a little scare (being a rural rube by then). but we reconnected finally after a worried hour. pre-cell phones.