Friday, August 20, 2010

Abbey lives! in new documentary

Well, it's looking like a movie version of The Monkey Wrench Gang isn't going appear anytime soon -- even though Ed Abbey's eminently popular modern-Western classic has been on retainer somewhere in Hollywood ever since shortly after it first appeared some 35 years ago.

But that doesn't mean The Gang hasn't been completely overlooked by filmmakers.

A documentary about the people who inspired the infamous characters who star in The Monkey Wrench Gang is set to be released later this year. Lines Across the Sand promises to profile the real-life Doc Sarvis, Seldom Seen Smith, Bonnie Abzug, and George Washington Hayduke, while also exploring the effect the book -- as well as  Jack Loeffler, John DePuis, Ken Sleight, Ingrid Eisenstatder, and Doug Peacock -- have had on the Western enviironmental movement.

Also, acknowledging the tribal nature of Abbey's followers -- and the grassroots-generating potential of the internet -- the makers of the film, through the International Documentary Association, is soliciting online for financial support for the film's production.

Watch the trailer for the film here:

Watch a documentary about the film below and here.

Donate to the project here.

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