Thursday, May 14, 2009

Speaking of Grizz

Here is more Doug Peacock on Democracy Now!, on encountering the wild with respect:

and on addressing the wilderness within:

Don't forget to listen to local radio station KDUR, which broadcasts DemocracyNow! at 12 noon on weekdays, and support the airing of such opinions.

P. S. - Once you've read Dave Peterson's book on grizzlies in the San Juans, think about checking out "In the Presence of Grizzlies, Revised and Updated" [2009, Doug Peacock & Andrea Peacock]. It's newly out in paperback, and I bet your favorite local bookstore can find you a copy.

1 comment:

Jeff Hammett said...

Just remember "In the Presence of Grizzlies" is the new title of Doug and Andrea Peacock's earlier book "The Essential Grizzly". Don't be fooled into buying another copy if you've already got the original.