Friday, April 24, 2009

Home = land, Peacocks, ol' Ed, and bear country!

Democracy Now!, locally available on Durango's own community radio KDUR, has been traveling the western reaches, giving voice to seldom-aired commentaries on the madding empire. In the above interview, Doug Peacock echoes a phrase voiced just yesterday by our own, ever-lovin' sabot-packer, Ken Wright.

Amy Goodman has been soliciting story ideas from the areas they are visiting on this tour, and she will be speaking at the Green Festival in Denver on May 2. Got one?


Ken Wright said...

That's great! Thanks, B. Good stuff for a Friday.

And "sabot-packer" ... been called a lot worse, I guess!

About B. said...

...and remember, like any well made river footgear, sabots float.

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted that - I missed it the first time around. Hayduke lives!